Regly- solider/footman

When I thought of the charactor of Regly I drew some of my inspiration from the Lord of the Rings Trilogy written by J.R.R. Tolkien mainly the charactor of Frodo Baggins. What inspired me was that Frodo Baggins was not the greatest warrior such as Aragorn the King, or the Elves,or a great magican such as Gandolf the wizard.
But rather he was a short mild mannered charactor that no one would of thought carrying on the most important mission of destroying the ring. The reason that Frodo was chosen was because he had the strongest charactor to resisit the power of the ring and was willing to sacrifice everything for the good of Middle Earth. As I was thinking of this story at first I was not going to have any heros but it did not feel right and I came up with the charactor of Regly who was the most overlooked and unlikley hero. I had him facing some horrible decesions and temptations as he was trying to hold on to teachings that was given to him about right and wrong. I made Regly very human with desires such as anyone else but I also had him putting his desires aside for the good of others and doing what was right no matter what. I found Regly a very complicated charactor unlike the rest of the charactors whom I made like animals living on their base instincts who would react to according to what they wanted at the moment. I found Regly to be very thoughtful and intellegent and unlike the other charactors who were very impressed with their abilities Regly did not care about his abilities and rarely used them and if he did it was for the good of someone else and not to glorify himself. But because of his charactor he was able to make decesions that would have eternal consquences not only for himself for many others for generations to come.
If you would like to read about Regly just go to
But rather he was a short mild mannered charactor that no one would of thought carrying on the most important mission of destroying the ring. The reason that Frodo was chosen was because he had the strongest charactor to resisit the power of the ring and was willing to sacrifice everything for the good of Middle Earth. As I was thinking of this story at first I was not going to have any heros but it did not feel right and I came up with the charactor of Regly who was the most overlooked and unlikley hero. I had him facing some horrible decesions and temptations as he was trying to hold on to teachings that was given to him about right and wrong. I made Regly very human with desires such as anyone else but I also had him putting his desires aside for the good of others and doing what was right no matter what. I found Regly a very complicated charactor unlike the rest of the charactors whom I made like animals living on their base instincts who would react to according to what they wanted at the moment. I found Regly to be very thoughtful and intellegent and unlike the other charactors who were very impressed with their abilities Regly did not care about his abilities and rarely used them and if he did it was for the good of someone else and not to glorify himself. But because of his charactor he was able to make decesions that would have eternal consquences not only for himself for many others for generations to come.
If you would like to read about Regly just go to