Saturday, March 27, 2010

The Message of the Book

The message that I am trying to show in the Age of Arrogance is to realistically protray the effects of a sinful lifestyles on individuals and eventually a whole culture. I am so tired of seeing so much entertainment show that it is accutially normal and healthy for people to participate in perversion or drug use or lie.etc... Which actually very far from the truth. I have worked with a lot of people who's lives have been destroyed from living that way and I hope to make some people think that there is consquences for their behavior. Sinful lifestyles makes a culture sick and does not make it stronger.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Uniquely Christian

When I started to work on the Age of Arrogance I wanted to create something that was uniquely Christian. I did not want to copy anyone else's ideas. I did not want wizards,vampires,werewolves or anything from popular sci fi shows. So I choose the Nephullum. I have to admit that I have seen a few things with the Nephullum in them but they did not do justice in the way they were protrayed. The first question I asked was what could of been their orgin? The second question I asked was how could they had fell? Those two questions caused a very corrupt culture to develop and a very brutal and primative worldview as well. So if you are curious how I protrayed the Nephullum just go to
Thank you
Craig Foster

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Gods Judgement

When I wrote this story I was trying to portray what God's judgement really is like. In our culture we have the perception that God's judgement is natural disasters or lightening coming from the sky. Even though He can judge like that most of the time God's judgement comes from Him withdrawing His wisdom and allowing people to continue on with their destructive behavior. I showed that in the story. As the Nephullum were continuing to behave badly and choose rebellion God would respect their free will and allow them to follow the logical course of their behavior and at the end of the story they finally reaped everything they did and the judgement did not come from God but rather from their foolish choices. If you are curious about the foolish choices they made just go to
Thank You
Craig Foster

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Culture Reflects Charactor

As I was writing this book I was inspired by how a persons charactor reflects in the surroundings that they choose to put themselves in. For example if someone has a strong interest in cars they will surround themselves with posters, and books or anything else related to cars and that can be applied to everyone. The way we live and the things that we surround ourselves reflects our charactor. So I applied this priniciple to a whole culture and the collective charactor of the culture. If one looks at ancient culltures and look at their religion, their artwork, their articture and music it will reflect the charactor of the culture. Some cultures reflect very morals and charactor while other reflect that they were very evil. So when I was developing the culture of the Nephullum I kept this in mind to make sure that their culture was a reflection of their charactor. I do not want to give away too many details of my work but I will say this I was showing that a culture is a reflection of the personal and moral choices of its people. So if you are curious on what happened to the Nephullums culture you can get my book at
Thank you
Craig Foster