In the Age of Arrogance I put over twenty charactors. I did this because I was trying to write about an entire culture and I thought I could not cover everything properly by just focusing on a few people. I neccesserly do not care if anyone remembers a few charactors or not but I am aiming at trying to help them remember an entire culture and the contributions that was made by each individual. What inspired me to do that was reading history books they would cover the contributions of several people to a certain time period. For example if one wants to properly cover the American Revolution not only should they talk about George Washington but they should also talk about Sam Adams, Thomas Jefferson and several other people to get the proper understanding of what made that time period unique. This is what inspired me to write this way is to show the contributions of over twenty people to make this culture unique. If you want to read the story just go to
Thanks for reading
Craig Foster
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Illeg- to stutter
This charactor is a true underdog. As a child he was picked as a failure because he was too thin with straggly hair and he had a bad stuttering problem. But Regly took him under his wing and mentored him. Even though he never overcame his stuttering problem he became a very trusted individual who was the equal to anyone because of his actions. But Illeg represents a lot of us because so many of us have imprefections weither we cannot speak well or we are not attractive physically or any other superficial barriers that society pushes on us. But those imprefections does not represent who we truly are and we can overcome those imprefections by our actions and gaining the trust of people as we lead our lives. Just like Illeg did. If you want to know more about Illeg just go to
Thank You
Thank You
Thursday, October 1, 2009
My brother came up with the idea of this charactor. She was very pretty and knew right from wrong but wanted to be accepted which led to her paying a heavy price. But as I was working with this charactor at the beginning of the book I really disliked her because of her putting acceptance of people above what she knew what was right. But as the story went on and she began to realize how wrong she was and felt trapped as a result I began to have sympathy for and at the end God works something out that allows her to escape. But I think there is a little of Dalia in all of us because we all have done things for acceptance even though we knew it was wrong and end up paying a heavy price for it. But if God sees that we want out he will help us out just like he did with Dalia. To find out how more about Dalia just go to
Thank You
Craig Foster
Thank You
Craig Foster
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
When I thought of the character of Chazeq/Baar I was inspired by a very gifted person physically who was fun loving and gentle and as time passed became a high school bully whom everyone feared because of his brutality and strength. That is why I changed his name to Baar which is the Hebrew word for brute. Because that is all he was because he relied so much on his strength that he forgot about the other aspects of his life such as intelligence and character. Another thing that inspired me was I remembered the Marvel Comics character of the Hulk. He was so strong but yet he was also very dumb. His favorite line was "Hulk mad!!" That is what I turned Baar into but instead of doing good I had him doing evil. Baar was a classic example of might makes right he was so strong that people feared him and let him do whatever he want and as a result Baar became arrogant and paid a dear price for it. If you want to know the price you can download my free chapter on
Thank you
Craig Foster
Thank you
Craig Foster
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Nathan-committed to give/Laquech-to take
When I created this character I remembered reading that there was power in charity. At first Nathan was a very giving individual but as time went on he learned that his reputation as a giver gave him influence over people. He was also very good at organizing people for charitable projects but as in the giving he learned that there was power in putting projects together. So as a result he only became friends with people who had something to offer him and expand his power base. He was a coward who enjoyed power but did not want to be up front to take the blame if something went wrong. He was always looking for a way to gain advantage over people and to manipulate them into performing his will. As a result of his attitude towards people he did not have any true friends he only had resources. But as result of his attitudes the once generous giving man turned into a twisted shell of what he used to be. Who was always telling different stories to suit his situation and could not be trusted because he would switch alliances at a moments notice. Nathan the giver had become Laquech the taker and lost everything that made him truly human. If you want to read more about him you can go to
Thank you for your time
Craig Foster
Thank you for your time
Craig Foster
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Chayil-"virtue'/Naphal- "to fall"
The character of Chayil/Naphal was one of the most vivid characters that I wrote about. At times I could almost hear his voice and see him in my mind. Hey maybe I need some meds but it is part of the job. He started out as one of the most trusted individuals in the Offspring who oversaw the day to day affairs and helped solve the problems. The Offspring trusted him so much that they put him on a pedestal and as a result he became addicted to the pedestal and he misused the trust that was placed in him to grab power. As a result of his addiction to power he was willing to turn away from all that was right just so he could dominate others lives. As a result of him dropping his morals and ethics for power and letting loose of everything that made him a good man and human he transformed into an animal like being. As I was thinking about his psychology I had him holding onto an object that his father made for him. At first glance it was inconsistent with his behavior but it really was an attempt on his part to hang onto his humanity. But in the end Naphals addiction to power destroyed him completely which was sad because it could of been avoided if he did not crave power so much.
I guess what inspired me to write about this character this way was that I have seen several leaders in religion, sports and politics that are placed on pedestals and the dangers that come from placing flawed people on a pedestal. A danger not only to them but to the people who follow them blindly without realizing that those people are no better than them. So if you want to read more about Chayil/Naphal just go to my website and buy the story at Thanks for your time.
Craig Foster
I guess what inspired me to write about this character this way was that I have seen several leaders in religion, sports and politics that are placed on pedestals and the dangers that come from placing flawed people on a pedestal. A danger not only to them but to the people who follow them blindly without realizing that those people are no better than them. So if you want to read more about Chayil/Naphal just go to my website and buy the story at Thanks for your time.
Craig Foster
science fiction
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Yididuwith- A darling object/ Marah- bitter
This was one of the saddest characters I had to write about in the Age of Arrogance. When I started the book I made her the ideal woman with beauty, personality, and talent. But as the story developed because of the choices that she had made she ended up destroying herself. It all started when she put more emphasis on the development of her talent rather than her character. She was very good at what she did but she was an evil person at the end of the story. I drew my inspiration from this character from a couple of different things. The first one is that I have seen a lot of talented people that others admired because of their talent and tried to model themselves after, but in reality they are not very good people and very poor role models, and the second thing that inspired me was several years ago I came across a book about Wicca that said the most powerful tool a woman has to control men is her body. I took that to the logical conclusion in the Yididuwith/Marah character I had her using her sexuality to control people and at times I even had her using her sexuality as a weapon. It is sad because at the beginning of the story she was actually a very sweet person but she allowed bitterness and self pity to drive her to abuse herself and others. Now if you are wondering why there are two names all I will say is that it is the same person that uses two names but why you will have to read The Age of Arrogance just go to
Thanks for reading my blog
Craig Foster
science fiction
Thursday, August 27, 2009
The Charactor Regly
Regly- solider/footman

When I thought of the charactor of Regly I drew some of my inspiration from the Lord of the Rings Trilogy written by J.R.R. Tolkien mainly the charactor of Frodo Baggins. What inspired me was that Frodo Baggins was not the greatest warrior such as Aragorn the King, or the Elves,or a great magican such as Gandolf the wizard.
But rather he was a short mild mannered charactor that no one would of thought carrying on the most important mission of destroying the ring. The reason that Frodo was chosen was because he had the strongest charactor to resisit the power of the ring and was willing to sacrifice everything for the good of Middle Earth. As I was thinking of this story at first I was not going to have any heros but it did not feel right and I came up with the charactor of Regly who was the most overlooked and unlikley hero. I had him facing some horrible decesions and temptations as he was trying to hold on to teachings that was given to him about right and wrong. I made Regly very human with desires such as anyone else but I also had him putting his desires aside for the good of others and doing what was right no matter what. I found Regly a very complicated charactor unlike the rest of the charactors whom I made like animals living on their base instincts who would react to according to what they wanted at the moment. I found Regly to be very thoughtful and intellegent and unlike the other charactors who were very impressed with their abilities Regly did not care about his abilities and rarely used them and if he did it was for the good of someone else and not to glorify himself. But because of his charactor he was able to make decesions that would have eternal consquences not only for himself for many others for generations to come.
If you would like to read about Regly just go to
But rather he was a short mild mannered charactor that no one would of thought carrying on the most important mission of destroying the ring. The reason that Frodo was chosen was because he had the strongest charactor to resisit the power of the ring and was willing to sacrifice everything for the good of Middle Earth. As I was thinking of this story at first I was not going to have any heros but it did not feel right and I came up with the charactor of Regly who was the most overlooked and unlikley hero. I had him facing some horrible decesions and temptations as he was trying to hold on to teachings that was given to him about right and wrong. I made Regly very human with desires such as anyone else but I also had him putting his desires aside for the good of others and doing what was right no matter what. I found Regly a very complicated charactor unlike the rest of the charactors whom I made like animals living on their base instincts who would react to according to what they wanted at the moment. I found Regly to be very thoughtful and intellegent and unlike the other charactors who were very impressed with their abilities Regly did not care about his abilities and rarely used them and if he did it was for the good of someone else and not to glorify himself. But because of his charactor he was able to make decesions that would have eternal consquences not only for himself for many others for generations to come.
If you would like to read about Regly just go to
science fiction
Monday, August 24, 2009
Describe The New Novel
Imagine a race of giants who had everything given to them. They had a perfect place to live, and they had guidance from a higher power anytime they wanted, and not only that, but they had superhuman abilities such as strength, flight, and great intelligence, with many other gifts.
Even though they had all of that to start with things were not perfect for them. This led to self pity and arrogance that caused a series of events that caused them to turn their great gifts into curses or the complete loss of the gifts (Read More).
science fiction
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