This was one of the saddest characters I had to write about in the Age of Arrogance. When I started the book I made her the ideal woman with beauty, personality, and talent. But as the story developed because of the choices that she had made she ended up destroying herself. It all started when she put more emphasis on the development of her talent rather than her character. She was very good at what she did but she was an evil person at the end of the story. I drew my inspiration from this character from a couple of different things. The first one is that I have seen a lot of talented people that others admired because of their talent and tried to model themselves after, but in reality they are not very good people and very poor role models, and the second thing that inspired me was several years ago I came across a book about Wicca that said the most powerful tool a woman has to control men is her body. I took that to the logical conclusion in the Yididuwith/Marah character I had her using her sexuality to control people and at times I even had her using her sexuality as a weapon. It is sad because at the beginning of the story she was actually a very sweet person but she allowed bitterness and self pity to drive her to abuse herself and others. Now if you are wondering why there are two names all I will say is that it is the same person that uses two names but why you will have to read The Age of Arrogance just go to
Thanks for reading my blog
Craig Foster
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