Saturday, May 29, 2010

What I like in Charactors

Whenever I watch a TV show or a movie most of the time I leave feeling unstatisfied with the entertainment experience mainly because I was not satisified with the charactors and the way they were developed. I feel like most shows relie too much upon special effects or weird story lines instead of taking the extra steps it takes to develop charactors. I do not want to get into examples right now because I feel it would be a distraction from my entry but I can say this when I was writing this book I worked very hard on charactor development. I showed why the charactors behaved the way they did. I also put a lot of effort to make sure there was no questions left on why this happened, or what happened. After all if someone buys my book I want to make sure they get the best possible reading experience because I consider it a privilege for people to read my stuff.
Thank you
Craig Foster

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