Saturday, April 17, 2010

Strength Comes from Virtue.

The main source of Regly's strength to stand against the Nephullum was that he held on to clear sense of right and wrong directed by God's teachings. The reason for that is that a strong sense of morals and ethics create virtue in a person and it is virtue that produces strength. If one knows that they are right it will give them the strength to resist temptation and be willing to sacrifice for their beliefs and cause but if a person does not have virtue it will leave them open to being lead around blindly by evil leaders. It is absolutes that protect us from the abirtary decesions of men. The Nephullum as a whole lost their virtue and became weak which resulted them being lead astray by evil leaders but Regly was able to stand against a whole evil culture because his virtue gave him the strength to. If you want to see how virtue gave Regly strength just by my book at
Thank You
Craig Foster

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